About Nikki

Coming up almost 20 years ago I remember my first experience with meditation. The instruction was cross your legs, sit on the floor, close your eyes and do not move for the next hour. As a first timer and with really no clue on what meditation was about you can imagine this was a little challenging for both my body and my mind. Whilst I sat I didn’t really know what was supposed to be happening however I was intrigued….

What was this mysterious process doing to my mind and body? Something good must be happening I thought because why do the teachers seem so incredibly happy and content. I could not ignore the pull. I wanted to know more.

My love and captivation with meditation grew and grew as I began to experience so many positive impacts on my life inspiring me to continue learning all these years. I gained my 350 hour yoga teacher training certificate with Australian Yoga Academy (AYA), attended countless meditation and pranayama courses, silent meditation retreats and then numerous stays in India at an Ashram to practice meditation with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of The Art of Living.

Along the way, I became interested in bringing the benefits of yoga and meditation to children. After completing my children’s training certificates in Yoga Therapy and Advanced Children’s Yoga, I was inspired to make a positive impact in children’s lives and so in 2016 I founded Little Warriors Yoga.  

The yoga led me to being asked to share the benefits of meditation and mindfulness. The practices had helped me so much personally so I chose to complete my meditation teacher training with Melbourne Meditation Centre and then began teaching corporates and individuals, as more and more of us realise the key to a life of balance and peace is meditation. I love sharing techniques, information and enticing others to give meditation and mindfulness a go.

I am passionate about spreading the benefits of meditation, mindfulness, pranayama and yoga to encourage a healthy mind, body and spirit which in turn benefits mother nature as a whole. It is all connected right?!